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  • Ya know what, maybe I should leave for a while.. When things have cleared up, and the full moon is up.
    Dark-Giratina, do you know anyone on PB who's hip to spriting? I hear The Fire Wyrm sometimes sprites, but I don't know his field of expertise.
    Dark-Giratina, IDK... Its up to you...

    *MrGatr is sad, he lost his notebook with Chptr 2 all wrote out much much better ;~;
    Come on! You know I play like a bazillion Video Games. There were so many times we could've had a game. :p

    Ah well. I'm sure I'll be free during the holidays for some Borderlands 2, if you're planning on getting it.
    Splicing? As in combining bits from two sprites together? A tricky thing to do indeed; you need to be sure the different parts fit seamlessly together.
    Dark-Giratina, spriting, drawing, writing, parkour...what do you like doing best/what are you in the mood for?
    And dude you play Borderlands what


    You should have told me! I'd definitely like a game sometime.
    Eh, I'm actually worn out, so I'm keeping things brief. I had to rip up a livingroom and then install underlayment/plywood in the area I took up before I could put in the new carpet and rebond-pad. It wasn't hard but it was time consuming.
    If anyone should be apologizing, it's me, lol. It's just that time of year where everyone gets back to school and are extremely busy (including me), so it's no big deal that class has been keeping you away from competitive Pokemon battling of all things. Don't worry about it! We can have some practice on the weekends when you're down for it, so it's not like I've completely given up or something like that.
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