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  • Mmm, I see you've taken a liking to KA's avatars?
    Dark-Giratina, yeah, primitive in a not-so-good way. Then again, primitive in a good way is probably better described by the word 'simplistic'. Primitive in a not-so-good way is just 'messy'.
    I'm saying that I will not be able to understand why you would like that style of avatar. It's so...primitive, and not in a good way.
    I guess you could, but wouldn't you rather use an avatar that's...well, less ugly? It looks like it was drawn by a 9 year old.
    Dark-Giratina, well, you can if you want, but the bet for this week is off.
    However, if you want to try another avvy / sig setup and last from midnight to midnight of the next week, that's fine.
    Dark-Giratina, nope, the bet is you have to last a whole week. You started at 12.00am on Monday. You would have to keep that avvy and signature until 12.00am the next Monday.

    Today's Saturday.
    Dark-Giratina, sigh. You disappoint me, young one. Why would you throw the bet when you were so close to succeeding?
    You're almost done with the bet - you just need to last 'til midnight on Sunday! Very good.
    How are you doing this fine day?

    Also, is your signature gone? I can't see it.
    Hehehe, about the art shop... I'm SO busy with school right now, I havn't got around to opening it yet. If you want to PM me your request you can, It will just take a while to complete.
    Thanks. I hope to have the next chapter up either Sunday or Monday, depending on how revisions go.
    I see you...haven't commented on Biohazard yet... What is this world coming to? Blahblahblahblahblahnonsensicalrantblahblahblah So, what's up?
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