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  • Congratulations. I'm also drawing mustaches on Siberian Huskies with a permanent marker.
    Ouch. If anyone's wondering why I said that, PM me and I'll tell you. Otherwise, you don't have to.
    One of your questions was completely viable, although I don't really know about that Genesect set, haha. We can try to create some sets tomorrow for practice, if you'd like.
    That's just a part of getting better, don't sweat it. We all had our crazy sets when we first started playing VG, just like your Fly Skarmory, haha. Learning about little things like Fly/Dig are what lead up to becoming a more knowledgeable player.
    Makes sense, I suppose. I would like to see you post in the VG forum sometime or another, though. Even though I hardly do it myself, it's interesting to see other people's thoughts and opinions on the game.
    Interesting. If you're going to shoot for VG, you should learn as much as you can about the game and post in the competitive forum a bit before applying. But either one is fine, quite honestly.
    Hmm, I wonder if they considered it. You certainly have the energy for it, haha. Maybe you can talk to Apollo or safari about it, I dunno. And I saw that edit you made to you previous comment. ;]
    You do have a point, but before I think about applying for contributor status, I want my warning level to be 0%. I'm not at like 90% or anything, it's just a small formality I want gone so my application can be fully considered. Plus there's the whole College ordeal which I think will put a hamper on my PB hours, but we'll see. How about you? You certainly would love to contribute to TCG or Community Works sections, and there's no penalty for applying.
    Dude, I keep forgetting that I have someone to play on PO, haha. Ah well, we can play tomorrow if I don't forget again.
    It is not so simple as one might think.

    It's pretty hard for a beginner like me to be pulled into competitive VG...
    Oh, I like it. It's just that I've started to play on my DSi/3DS a lot less. I think it's due to more time and more homework.

    As for compeitive, well, I was never able to get into it.
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