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  • ...and 100 years old? :p

    If you were that old and still using the computer, you'd be blind by now. Unless you used some sort of software to darken the screen.
    Thank you! Would you mind critiquing my art? (it's considered dead if it's left unattended for two weeks) :)

    Or, you can tell me what you think of it on the profile.
    Dark Giratina, I come up with the pose in my head, then if I'm not sure if I have a detail right I find an official reference picture(s) to make sure everything is correct. Like that Krokorok, for example - I had to find images of its back from the anime (and the sprites) to make sure I got the colors and line placement right.
    Sure, I should be able to get on in half an hour or so, if that's alright.
    Like stuff that's so embarrassing for me I don't even want to repeat it.
    I didn't like me when I was younger; I was so incredibly foolish. So many dumb mistakes I've made...Thankfully, it's all behind me now.
    All right, I'll take your word for it. (I can't watch the movie now as I have class and such today, but I might if I have some spare time.) I'll give it a look-see.
    Call of the Wild...That was the book by Jack London where some dog gets kidnapped and becomes a sled dog, right? I loved that book.

    I've never seen Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. I didn't like the trailers for it when it first came out so I wasn't all that interested. Then again, that movie came out when I was...what, 12 or something? Oh, it was in 2002, so I was 11 then. Yeah, close enough.
    Whoops, sorry, had to get off for a bit. Halo is an awesome first-person shooter game series originating in 2000 with Halo: Combat Evolved. It's basically the whole Aliens wanting to destroy humanity cliche, but the story and gameplay really set it apart from other games in the genre. I really recommend you look up some gameplay from Halo: Reach or Halo 3 sometime.
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