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  • Haha, at least you're honest. I think there are only a handful of CoD/Halo fans on PB, but it's still cool when I get some views.
    Thanks. I don't really know of anyone on-site who have actually checked out some of my videos; I never get any comments on them from Beachers. But that's fine, there are plenty of other people who enjoy them, and that works for me.

    And in case you actually enjoy seeing some of my vids, I update my sig every week with a new one, rather than spam my own profile with updates, although not every video is made by me.
    Well, it's the only thing I work on at the moment that could be considered creative, so I think it fits.
    Although I do suppose you could count my editing work in my videos as art. :p
    Writing-wise? Nah, not really. Like I said before, it's a combination of a lack of inspiration and my upcoming college work. But I have a feeling I'll be back into writing soon enough, thanks to those essays I'll be doing, lol. And who knows? I might find some motivation for actual stories.
    Dark Giratina, I am starting my 6th year, have played competitively for 4, starting my 5th year.
    Me? An artist? Hmm.

    I don't really have artistic skill for things like hand drawings, but I have done a couple of pieces on Photoshop in the past, even though I don't own it. I prefer writing and reading.
    Dark Giratina, I have not done so much due to the fact that it is late at night (where I am at least), but I do plan to!
    Dark Giratina, Just lots and lots of practice. That's really all I can attribute it to. xD
    Dark Giratina, I'll have to ask the other moderators about it. The answer is most likely yes, but I'm not 100% sure. Odds are if Contributors = Staff, they'll have to ask for custom versions of my avatars instead of being able to use the regular versions.
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