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  • Arcticwhite, time flies? Whoosh...
    Although I can understand that feeling. It doesn't feel like it's been a whole year, I agree. But in that short time, you've become quite well-known and respected! Doesn't that fill you with a sense of worth?
    Thanks; I will! I'm taking off fun time today (Sunday) for the express purpose of cranking them out.
    Arcticwhite, fine up until last night. I found out for an online class I'm taking there's a whole folder of assignments I didn't even notice. The end of the semester is in a week and there's approximately 10 assignments to do. Needless to say I'll be working on them, but it's made me rather irritable.
    Arcticwhite, you could see it as an opportunity to make a whole new set of friends. It all depends on your outlook.
    And it's not like your old friends will just vanish; you'll still see them again.
    Arcticwhite, did they all go off on their respective holidays or something? Could that be why?
    And yay, you're out of school! :D How do you feel? Liberated? Relieved? Bored?
    Arcticwhite, all right, that is a relief to hear.
    Have you done anything exciting as of late? or going to do something exciting?
    Arcticwhite, uncertain as to what you want to do, or not confident enough to make plans yet?
    Arcticwhite, ooh, yay. That's a good amount of time to spend off.
    How do you plan to spend it?
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