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  • Athena, lol. The shadows around the indents of the eyes and bridge of the nose look like glasses from far away.
    Is it just me? I thought Jessie had glasses on when I first saw your avvy :p Superb art nonetheless.
    Hey, why was my thread on the pokemon tcg wants and predictions merged with a dead and locked thread of a similar topic?
    Hehe, you should have seen my mom's face when my tiny Entei plush arrived. Sadly, she's with the 'anime is just a Japanese cartoon, you're an adult so act like it'-group. So wearing Pokémon shirts would probably result in me having to sleep in her car xD

    I'm really looking forward to meeting you! I've never met someone from internet in RL, so I'm probably going to be too shocked to speak for a few seconds first. And after that, just ignore my crappy English. Speaking isn't one of my strong points and it doesn't help that you don't have half an hour to think about what you're going to say :p

    I think I've got some time around 1 pm, but they're not sure yet. If you're going to wear something Pokémon related, I won't have trouble finding you xD
    I went there last year, but I think we're supposed to see art which has to do with the stuff I'm getting for my exams. So they decided to skip the Stedelijk, which is a shame. Cobra does sound awesome (no animals sadly ;.;), but I think we're going there because they have part of a collection from New York my teacher's all excited about. Yay :l

    But I do think we're getting some free time in Amsterdam before we leave again.
    Yeeees please ;.;

    Meh, they moved the date again. It's now on the 8th, so we can go to the Cobra museum as well (somewhere else).
    ....Now I can't stop thinking about meeting you ;.;

    I'm going there for art class with some other people. Now sure what their faces would look like if I talked to you (probably something like o_O')
    I'm coming to Amsterdam next week, you don't happen to live close to the Rijksmuseum? Probably not, since that city is so damn big xD
    Great avatar. ;D
    Does it represent the mix between you and Jessie from the wonderlocke or it's ust some random Rocket member?
    Dang, why didn't Cynthia have an Entei :U

    I really like how some artists make the Pokémon characters look awesome. Pokémon isn't really detailled when it comes to their art style but damn, I wish I could draw like some people do >.<
    That's an awesome avatar :D
    I should get a new one too, but I don't want to get rid of poor Entei ;.;
    Athena, I actually checked that thread but after not seeing an answer when it first mentions the signature I just left and forgot to scroll down. -_-' Even if I had I don't know if I would come up with the solution since the link I had had some other stuff following the ".gif" and since I had the idea that It should have been through that image icon I was really blocked and couldn't think "outside the box". Thanks again!

    Pikachu's cheeks are always cute! No wonder people are always going for it. XD

    Thanks for the compliment. I also love that line (it's now tied with Gogoat's for second place). I was thinking of using Venusaur but its body color looks like the one from the comment's background so I ended up with Victreebel. It also deserves some love!
    Thanks a lot for your answer about signatures, namely for also adding the align feature. It worked! Also the Pikachu gif you used was adorable! =D Best wishes.
    Sorry about my post, I realize that some people took the competition way out of hand before. Good luck with the final round!
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