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  • Athena, I'm availible right now, and probably will be for the next 2 hours. The only problem is I'm stuck using the browser on my 3DS right now. I'll check back every once and a while though, so hopefully we'll be able to trade.
    Athena, You would, wouldn't you? :b

    Hey, about nuzlockes by the way... have you given this a read? It's actually really good, and I surprised how much effort was put into these comics. I'd like to try something like this, but first I need to get better at drawing.
    Took me a while to find the pictures, I learn new ways to navigate on this website every day, don't I? xD

    They look awesome though! Some of those costumes look like they took way too much time to make, amazing! Also I assume that's your husband to the right on the first pic, he looks like a totally cool dude, just wanted to mention that. x)

    I also prefer Queen's day over Carnival though I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because there is no hassle of costumes as the entire country just transforms into a sea of orange for a day, and everyone gets treated the same no matter what. I love seeing tourists prancing around Amsterdam at that time, everyone is just having so much fun!
    I still have to get used to saying 'Kings Day' though! xD

    Which is why I'm very, very, VERY happy that I started my connection with English when I was only 4 years old. By the time I finally got English in school I could understand and speak it already, albeit only at a very basic level. You can imagine the teachers being very annoyed with me at the time, not being able to pay attention because of boredom and correcting them at times. :p

    It just feels like 'gutturals' interrupt all the other smooth tones so they're hard to ignore. I do hope you get used to hearing them though, I was slowly driving myself insane when I couldn't stop noticing it all the time. ^^;
    Athena, Sorry I've been long getting back to you, but I should be free to trade sometime over this weekend if you're still good with trading. Just give me a time, and I should be good with it.
    Saw the sylveon episode finally :D! And I get what you mean, it could have been done better!!
    IaSW broke down on me once. The girl next to me in the cart started jabbing me so I wouldn't cover my ears while she kept screaming the tunes just to torture me. I was stuck like that for about 15 minutes, but it felt like an eternity! :p

    The World Showcase sounds like a bunch of fun though, I hope to experience it too someday! :)

    Welp you're probably celebrating carnival right as I'm typing this, so I hope you're having fun! And just punch those people in the crowd if they annoy you, their sense of direction is probably gone anyway! :D
    Let me know how it was when you get back~

    Oh yeah fudge seperable verbs. It's stuff like that we all still get confused with and the only reason we don't is because we were born and raised with them, so you just kinda develop a feeling for it. I hope you do as well but that might take some time.
    The 'gutteral CH'-sound is just a pet peeve of mine though. After I started reading and watching 90% of everything in English I was no longer used to the sound any more and cringed every time I heard a sentence that had multiple 'CH's in them.
    Haha :p
    I kept a vote back until Thursday just because the Kalos fossils were tying, I put Tyrantrum up to 7 votes :)
    I'm really glad you were the tiebreaker and not a regular voter :D
    Aurorus is pretty and all but that typing is terrible :(
    I see you were responsible for not letting Aurorus through as the WC. Thank you so much for that! :D
    'and then voted for my choice between the two 7 vote Pokémon to break the tie for Wild Card.'

    I know. Dang it for you having your opinion should have picked Aurorus
    Athena, Well when you start, good luck making a team! It can be quite annoying trying to make a team due to all the breeding required and deciding nice combinations of Pokemon, but when you finally finish, and see your team paying off, you're super proud of the results.
    Athena, Me too!

    Do you think I can write a chapter in my nuzlocke about where all the side characters like Keeper of Night, Blui, and Zygarde are. There will be no battling so that's why I asked this question
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