Understood! I'll just reply to whatever format people use to contact me, as always.
Whoo boy there are a lot of Dutch-English puns, I tend to hear them a lot, but it's kind off a guilty pleasure of mine! Especially when most people in the room don't notice it right away.
And despite all that, we STILL don't celebrate Halloween as a national holiday! Gosh darn it! >3<
Also Atheist/Agnostic over here so I know exactly what you're talking about. Though I tend to not call myself anything because I don't like the conclusions people make of you when you say you are and stuff like that. And I agree, I don't care if holidays are religious or not just that they have something important/fun to celebrate. People indeed need their healthy breaks every once in a while, so why NOT celebrate spring is coming, right?
Do you miss any of the holidays like Halloween though? And dear lord, you probably already know all about Sinterklaas! What is your opinion on our most controversial holiday? xD
Yes one the first things I actually noticed we're the many different 'titles' you all have here, everything is so neat and clean all with their own icons and everything. I'm always happy to see mods like you guys helping every one and making newbies feel welcome!
It's nice to know you can meet people in new areas and big cities without having to go talk to random people on the street, I'm not one of those people either. )Un)fortunately, people tend to walk up to me to ask questions like directions a LOT for some reason, so it kind of balances out with the meeting new people-thing. ^^;
Well consider me one of your new friends in your new country then! If you ever find yourself in Edam and need a favour, I'm your guy!