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  • It's not like I have totally escaped it - my name still spells DNA - but if they're using my new name, they spell the whole thing out. Seriously guys, just "Deus" is fine. Some people do just say Deus and I'm happy for that.
    It's a hurriclash. It's from a game me and RogueChomp made up a while ago and I still had the sprite.
    bacon, oh good observation


    bacon, idk man that mewtwo guy looks like Frieza. New mewtwo formes perhaps?
    also happy birthday Sam =D

    oh god wait for it
    If the birthday was revealed at midnight PDT, I would have wished you one. But it didn't show up until 3am my time, and by then I was fast asleep :p
    happy birthday bacon-sama-sensei-senpai-sama-sensei-senpai

    -kun :0
    I looked through the birthdays earlier, and I didn't even notice you, otherwise I would have commented sooner. Anyways, enjoy your birthday man, you deserve it.
    Someone was swearing up a storm.

    Becuase guess what today this~ ;D

    Make it a good one, pal.
    We found out today that PMJ actually added "BUY SOME APPLES" into the curse filter.
    It's actually pretty strange, since in VGC that set is more common than one would think. Suicune, along with things like Cresselia, is something that you'd dump as much defense investment into as possible; it's rarely used to attack and is mostly used for support. (Suicune has the Sheer Cold set I mentioned but it's also got Tailwind, which in VGC is incredibly good, whereas Cresselia has Helping Hand and Safeguard and a few other fun things.)

    It's one of those things that stays on the field a long time, because people usually go after its partner first (why? because it's much easier to kill). I ran into 2 Suicune out of the 8 rounds at Spring VGC Regionals; the one that wasn't Sheer Cold ran a basic Suicune set with Scald and such, and I'm forever grateful to Gastrodon for the many situations he'd helped me evade that day that otherwise would have broken me. (If you're curious about what team I was using, it's right here. As for how I did? Here, on Sunday. I went a very respectable 5-3, losing to 2 Garchomp/Zapdos teams and 1 Virizion.)
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