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  • bacon, well druddigon WAS there but it moved up when magneton and klinkklang did, now there are NO steel types either xP. You should try flame charge emboar c: I've grown to love it over the scarf variant.
    bacon, eugh, every single sand team in the history of sand ._.
    unfortunately, the metagame of OU kind of melds into a place where you have to run something similar (or one of the other copy paste weather/anti-weather gastro tran skarm kind of teams). That's why my favorite tier is NU ^.^ lots of cool pokes with cool sets.
    bacon, you should :) it's a pretty cool tier. I get bored with OU really easily so dabbling in the other tiers is a lot of fun.
    bacon, you are correct; I lean more towards the TCG spectrum, but to be truthful I am more in the middle - I know quite a bit about both, but I don't lean strongly towards either side, and I play more for fun instead of to win.

    I did want to hear mod's opinions when making that thread, and I got them - plenty of them, which is excellent. I had to make a lot of assumptions since I didn't know everything, but I was trying to be fair while I was at it (as you probably noticed).

    As for helping the forum - I feel like I'm an all-purpose jack-of-all-trades master-of-none sort of guy, so I'm not sure how well I could fit in. I think the best thing I'm good at is spelling and grammar check, but the Contributors already have Zyflair and the Fallen One.

    Ah well, no big deal. I can still oversee the Professors area at the very least. I'm probably destined to stay on the sidelines forever, and I'm totally cool with that.
    bacon, a vague question, I know. My thread didn't get better after I left unfortunately and was locked by morning (and I predicted BOTH of those things), and now, I am unsure as to what I should be doing next, if anything.

    I'm not going to make another thread (because that would be stupid), but is there something I can do on the sidelines or anything to improve things?
    bacon, Go for it man. No one can hold you back. YOU GOT THIS. I don't have the HUB on my tv, but I have caught like 9 episodes live this season at LORDY's house. Pretty awesome, even if I have to get up at 6 on a Saturday. I'm not even going to try to load the new episode on my internet now either, so slow. Takes like an hour to load an episode.
    Alright ,lets see I beat you. +5 I lost to you -1.

    Then I beat Chariblaze +5 and then lost to Teapot -1.

    How do I only have 4 points. -_-
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