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  • bbninjas, oh I see.

    Well, tomorrow (Thursday), I'll be done with work early. It would be 7-8 pm for you. Are you available for that time?
    bbninjas, What? I would never do something like that to you. You're my friend. I wouldn't slap you with any of my arms...

    /me slaps bbninjas with his four arms
    bbninjas, yeah I was kinda expecting some wording mistakes to still crop up because they can be really hard to catch, especially without an easy way to reference existing cards that use similar language... Oh well. XD
    bbninjas, sure, just to note it down, what kind of pose were you hoping for? When I make cards I like the art fitting the effects, I don't know if you do, but hey :)
    bbninjas, uhh my boss decided to set aside the extra work so I'm online now and if you'd like we can battle tonight. If not, we're still okay to battle tomorrow at around 9 pm your time.
    May I request an image of a Hariyama for one of my TCG cards? I will credit you of course.

    Sorry I didn't see this earlier. Sure thing though! It may be a week away due to me having exams on right now but I'll try to have it done ASAP.
    Are you available for Kingdoms battles Tuesday or Wednesday night?

    I have some extra work to do tomorrow (Tuesday) so it might be a bit late by the time we can start (highly likely it will be 10-11 pm for you by then).

    On Wednesday, I'll be getting back earlier; we could probably start at 8-9 pm in your time.

    Choose the day/time more convenient for you in order for us to hold our Kingdoms battle. :D
    bbninjas, sure, I'll accept in the thread later on but I need to make sure of something first.

    When I try to open a replay on PS, it goes to a page that says replays are down. I'm not sure if the problem is just on my computer, so can I ask if it's the same on your end? If it is, I'm thinking we need to ask/inform Keeper of Night about it. Because if it is, then our match might not be counted since the rules require a replay link.

    As for working out a match time, you're 2 hours ahead of me so there's not a lot of trouble to work on. If you want to battle soon, I'm online the entire day tomorrow (Sunday). If we can't have it then, I don't think we'll have much difficulty arranging a match on a weekday night.
    bbninjas, oh, yep! I can tell you before the battle and after. I don't know if there's a spectator function though since I haven't use tcgone before.
    bbninjas' pid='2682020' dateline='1416628865 said:
    rev3rsor' pid='2682019' dateline='1416628770 said:
    30 hours from now is fine (give or take half an hour or so). I'll let you know when I'm online, or if I can't do it.

    I will be perfectly honest though, I'm quite scared of your deck.

    Tell me, will you?

    Hmm, what does this mean? I don't fully understand...
    Are you sure you're logged in? I had to login again due to showdown issues.
    Want to battle me for Kingdoms? Since I'm dropping out I'm dividing my stuff over those that battled me. It won't make you lose ranks or anything. It's an unofficial battle with our Kingdom team/rules.

    We'll have to use since the PokéBeach showdown server is offline at the moment.
    bbninjas, I thought I was working with you. but I guess I can do a picture by sunday, and if I don't have it by then just enter the card
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