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  • A fact, Ditto apparently inspires some personal nostalgia every moment I lay eyes on it.
    I never knew you were an Aussie. That's awesome! I have a sister who live in Australia :)
    Blui129' pid='2329449' dateline='1348669178 said:
    I did, I thought Lelouch was good, but he killed a lot of innocent people, and I have reason the believe that he is still alive

    it was kill 1M innocent people vs let 7M people die IMO.

    And yeah, I saw the thing about how he is still alive. idk about it though...
    Blui129, I have really only just got back into the game. I used to play when it first came out, but then stopped playing for a long time. In that time I picked up Magic the Gathering and started to play that competitively.

    Coming back into PTCG, I have decided I want to play it competitively as well. I am currently playing Darkrai/Hydregion and have done quite well with it so for. I have a tournament tomorrow, trying to qualify for an invite only event in December, and have a Battle Roads coming up a little later.

    How about you?
    Blui129, I'm living in NSW, but I was born in Vic. As far as if Vic is the best state, I don't know if thats 100% true, but Melbourne is by far the nicest city haha.
    So there are a few Aussie here are there?
    Blui129, A few hours sounds good. But when (And if) you're ready, I'd prefer if you'd PM me rather then profile comment, since I get email notifications for those. That's why it took so long for me to reply to this PC. Thanks.
    I guess i'll be there too then. I just need cards - especially from the new dragon set - as I haven't got a proper deck yet.
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