R R RaichuGirl Sep 21, 2012 I haven't really been for a while and I'm defiantly considering coming this week. Are you gonna be there?
I haven't really been for a while and I'm defiantly considering coming this week. Are you gonna be there?
Mudkip4321 Sep 20, 2012 Blui129, YAY! So I'm not the only one that chose Snivy! =D Also, did you get a Keldeo yet? =)
Mudkip4321 Sep 20, 2012 Blui129, Awesome. =D Do you know who who you're picking for a starter and all that stuff yet? =)
Blah Sep 20, 2012 Blui129, I can play now. I'll PM you the link. Just a warning, if I stop responding for several minutes, it means my computer crashed and I'll be back very soon. It probably won't happen, but just a heads up if it does.
Blui129, I can play now. I'll PM you the link. Just a warning, if I stop responding for several minutes, it means my computer crashed and I'll be back very soon. It probably won't happen, but just a heads up if it does.
Blah Sep 19, 2012 Blui129, I can't, I'm still doing work :/ (I have two tests tommorrow and a ton of other stuff). The only possible time I could play today is in about two hours, but it's unlikely. Tommorrow works better.
Blui129, I can't, I'm still doing work :/ (I have two tests tommorrow and a ton of other stuff). The only possible time I could play today is in about two hours, but it's unlikely. Tommorrow works better.
Blah Sep 19, 2012 I may not be able to do it tonight due to an overabhndance of homework. Could you do it at around 9pm (my time) tommorrow?
I may not be able to do it tonight due to an overabhndance of homework. Could you do it at around 9pm (my time) tommorrow?
Blah Sep 18, 2012 Blui129, Yikes! That would be like 2 in the morning here. The best time for me to play you would probably be 8am-12pm your time, which unfortunately is school time for you. I've got school tomorrow also x__x. Is there any chance you could play at the time I just mentioned? I can play this instant if you can.
Blui129, Yikes! That would be like 2 in the morning here. The best time for me to play you would probably be 8am-12pm your time, which unfortunately is school time for you. I've got school tomorrow also x__x. Is there any chance you could play at the time I just mentioned? I can play this instant if you can.
Blah Sep 16, 2012 Was able to play now x____x. Looks like your not on. Can you play tomorrow sometime?
Blah Sep 15, 2012 Blui129, You asked at just the wrong time, a friend is over right now x____x. Tomorrow evening?
Blah Sep 15, 2012 Blui129, That was 3 AM lol. I'm at a track meet right now, but I should be able to play when I get back at around 12-1 EST.
Blui129, That was 3 AM lol. I'm at a track meet right now, but I should be able to play when I get back at around 12-1 EST.