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  • Blui129, Awesome. =D Do you know who who you're picking for a starter and all that stuff yet? =)
    Blui129, I can play now. I'll PM you the link.

    Just a warning, if I stop responding for several minutes, it means my computer crashed and I'll be back very soon. It probably won't happen, but just a heads up if it does.
    Blui129, I can't, I'm still doing work :/ (I have two tests tommorrow and a ton of other stuff).

    The only possible time I could play today is in about two hours, but it's unlikely. Tommorrow works better.
    I may not be able to do it tonight due to an overabhndance of homework. Could you do it at around 9pm (my time) tommorrow?
    Blui129, Yikes! That would be like 2 in the morning here.

    The best time for me to play you would probably be 8am-12pm your time, which unfortunately is school time for you.

    I've got school tomorrow also x__x. Is there any chance you could play at the time I just mentioned?

    I can play this instant if you can.
    Was able to play now x____x. Looks like your not on.

    Can you play tomorrow sometime?
    Blui129, You asked at just the wrong time, a friend is over right now x____x.

    Tomorrow evening?
    Blui129, That was 3 AM lol. I'm at a track meet right now, but I should be able to play when I get back at around 12-1 EST.
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