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  • ....Oh, that tape! The one that you're talking about, and the one that I have no idea what you're talking about!

    Seriously, what are you talking about.
    BrOkenICE, What's that? o_O
    EDIT: Oh, I see. I'll read it sometime, but it looks a bit long. xD
    BrOkenICE, I've seen all three previews, as well as all six track videos, and all the character videos as well.

    I can't think of anything I've missed.
    BrOkenICE, I'm easy most ways, since my weekends are free. But I'd hate to continue using profiles. If the worst comes to worst, we can make a whole free website devoted to PA, the storyline and maybe even art. It could be big. ;3
    Of course, though, we could get aggs to reopen and mod us, then we could look after the site. xD
    BrOkenICE, Curse you, I thought you were SL and you'd listened to Tommy's Theme. EDIT: Yay, he has! :)
    Well, with her highness out of the way, can you fill me in on anything from the Academy in profile comments that I've missed?
    Me and Toley were discussing reviving aggs' old forum for RPGs and continue there. Then we won't have /s]MR GATR[/s] people commenting randomly where the story is.
    Lennon was knocked off of balance, but was miraculously able to stay standing despite his usual clumsiness. A Heatran... Blaze wanted to battle. But what could Lennon use against a Fire/ Steel? He had no good typing match up for that. He racked his brain for typings and movepools, and decided his best choice was Darmanitan. He sent out the pokeball and his pokemon appeared before him.
    "Okay Blaze, is it a fight you want?!"
    Lennon was knocked off of balance, but was miraculously able to stay standing despite his usual clumsiness. A Heatran... Blaze wanted to battle. But what could Lennon use against a Fire/ Steel? He had no good typing match up for that. He racked his brain for typings and movepools, and decided his best choice was Darmanitan. He sent out the pokeball and his pokemon appeared before him.
    "Okay Blaze, is it a fight you want?!"
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