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  • Lennon decided to follow it down stream, carefully stepping from one rock to the next so he wouldn't fall in. Where was this river taking him?
    The river seemed to also act as a path. There were stepping stone along it. However, Lennon couldn't tell if he should go let or right.
    Lennon made for the river, dodging sprouting trees as he went. Hopefully there were less trees growing on the banks, or at least he could walk in a bit to avoid them.
    Haxorus and Solrock destroyed the tree around them and hurried toward Lennon. The sound of a river flowing filled the air. It was closeby.
    Lennon was careful to not get caught in any of the emerging trees. He had read about a place like this in the book that he had taken from the city they visited what seems like years ago. He wasn't even sure how long he had been away from home. The forest was named Perilin, at least in the story. Lennon wondered what his new task would be...
    The sun finally disappeared in the horizon, but the moon did as well. However, there was still a light somewhere that kept the park lit. Trees sprouted from the ground making an elaborate jungle.
    "Hax is back!" Lennon yelled with excitement. Then he realized that meant he never left the strange world he was in, and he felt disappointed again. Lennon then read the tablet and tensed. He looked to the Haxorus and said, "Looks like we are going to be partners again, you up for it?"
    Lennon heard a Pokemon roaring from behind him. It was the Haxorus Lennon used against the dark/dragon. Solrock appeared as well, holding a tablet in the air with it's Psychic. It read:

    "Final Trail."
    OoC: Holy carp, I never noticed how many posts you have :eek:

    IC: Lennon looked around at the plain, but it did not seem familiar to him. Again, he had no clue where he was. Going home was just too much to ask for, it seemed. He didn't even know where to go now. He could see the sun setting, and decided to follow it, walking west.
    Lunatone: "Oh, and there might be some side effects Intruder."
    Before Lennon being able to comprehend, he became engulfed by the portal. After a minute of walking through a purple tunnel, Lennon walked by a light, teleporting him to a grassy park. There were lines on the grass, making the combined shapes of the sun and moon. It was dusk, having the moon and sun out partially.
    "So.. I just walk through then? ... Alright, well thank you for your help getting me home, I do appreciate it" With that, Lennon took a deep breath and walked into the portal, unsure what to expect on the other side.
    Lunatone: "Nothing. We'll handle it."
    Solrock and Lunatone both became outlined in gold. An ecliptic shape formed near Lennon, creating a rip in the air making a portal.
    Lunatone: "Farewell, intruder."
    "Oh.. Okay yeah, lets give that a go then. What have I got to lose anyway, right? So what do I have got to do?"
    Lunatone flipped back to it's original position.
    Lunatone: "If we were to combine, then we could rip the space and teleport you elsewhere."
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