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  • http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-crash-hammer

    And I've thought I've made huge mistakes

    Nah I'm joking.

    Also I'm suprised to see my article up so quickly, thanks!
    Lets not hate on my scenario :p

    I tried to make it open but not too open. I though I put something about switch though. Oh well.
    Ya. I tied myself up in a big knot. I still like the deck better but now I think I'm going to try playing EelZone.

    I was spending the last few days with family for the holidays, but I'll be back to normal activity level now.
    I have some questions about EelZone; should I be running Tornadus? I had 2 in there in an erlier build, but only helped me in one battle, (though it was the Tornadus that won me that battle) I took them out for some other things and now I'm thinking of putting 1 back in because I have no idea what my meta is like. (haven't been to a tournament since BR's ='() Also I've been thinking about bumping up the Eelektrik line to 4-4 (with a 3/1 split of the free Retreat/Paralyze Tynamo) and I've been thinking of taking out a Collector and a Candy for them, (I run 4 of each) but I really don't want to hurt the consistancy.

    EDIT: Also would 1 Zekrom or 1 Tornadus be the better choice? And I've been thinking of sqweezing in 1 Shaymin, but my deck is so tight on space, I have idea what to take out for it.
    No problem. I understand. Holiday Season, Midterms, tests, etc make this a... interesting time of the year.
    Could you move Eelzone: The deck to beat from the TCG general News and Disscussion section to where it belongs? Thanks...
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