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  • Celebi23, do you know what it means when you lose it?
    It means you go bonkers

    that's the joke, his mime jr never woke up and it drove him crazy
    Did you hear about the guy who had Mime Jr. active for 10 turns and he constantly was flipping tails on both player's turns, never having it wake up?

    He Lost it.
    "The Blissey was supposed to work as a pesudo-Reuniclus, and Jirachi is godly. Not to be too blunt, but it's very possible you were just playing the deck badly since I've had a lot of success with my list (about four cards off the one you ended up with.) How often did you use Luring Light, and how often did you sacrifice basics over using the second Cursed Shadow? I'd be happy to test with you on PlayTCG sometime; I could show you some of the mini-strategies I use. "

    I used Luring Shadow probably 1-3 times total, only if it was to stall/cripple them. Sacrificing basics, I dun no hwat u meen.

    Totally would be down to test with you. And everyone was hating on me for using 3 Tropical Beaches, so I took one of those out, I took out Jirachi, and something else and I put in a 1-1-1 Reuniclus, im gonna see how it works
    *Facepalm* I didn't see the date on your comment. I was checkin my profile and saw 3 new comments and thought yours was one of them. Sorry about that lol
    Celebi23, Because that could just as easily be return ko-ed. Its not losing the mews im worried about, its losing the game. Unfezant also does MORE damage than Double Freeze, which is very important. If it did less (Swanna does) then there would be some cases I would only have the option to Double Freeze ko. Also, a 2-3 line would be terrible. If I had room for that, I would have room for a 2-2-2 Kingdra which would solve this problem even more.
    Celebi23, Now I'm mad.... I definitely should have at least a thousand posts, at least.... URGH FML.

    I been posting two years straight and end up with nothing.... I had 2,990 posts before, whatever thread that i posted in must of accounted for 1,990 posts.... and i don't post in just one thread all the time....
    Celebi23, Wait what?!?!?!!? My total posts are now 740? Why? None of my threads or posts were deleted! Please tell me they are going to fix my posts to my original amount.... :(
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