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  • Celever, well, I expected this to be starting the 5th or later, so this could be a problem until then (only 2 days, but still). I'm on EST and I have work until about 5 PM tomorrow (you'll prolly be asleep by the time I get back to my house). I'll let you know when I know for sure.
    Celever, A few people are willing to host. They've just been contacting us through PM. Would you still like to host at some point?
    Right now, I don't think it's a good idea because people could be easily swayed to view that position and then hop on the train. I might move the PMing process to in the thread after a few chapters. I just don't people to be like "oh, right, that's perfect--he is the villain!"
    Hi Celever! Have you thought about joining T&T? Also, we should be able to battle as soon as KoN gives me a confirmation of the Pokemon I stole from Drohn. Yes, I defeated him.
    No rush, of course. :) It's more important to get things done right then get things done fast. You don't even have a spot yet, and even if you were assured to get the very next spot, your game wouldn't run until after mine is complete and it's not even starting until January, so we've got a good few months to get everything tweaked and good to go. Whether you decide to bring in another pair of eyes or no, I'd be happy to do another look through when you've decided on your changes.
    Tonight should work for me. I've got a surprisingly small amount of schoolwork to do, so I'll be hanging out in the Pokebeach room on Showdown.
    Haven't forgotten, just been busy. I've started reading the doc a couple times and gotten sidetracked. Hope to finish my read through tomorrow or Wednesday. <3
    Please read the main thread - the latest map is the correct map (and really the row 13 issue is explained there on page 4) and the blue 'O's are explained there. http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-active-fog-of-war-day-1-ends-7th-nov-1am-gmt
    Do not post on my profile regarding the game again or else it will be considered Outside Communication, and the only OC allowed is in your quicktopic. You can always PM me, post in the main thread, or post in the quicktopic to get my attention.
    The grid was fixed after Squirtle Squad pointed it out in the thread's comments - roughly 2 hours ago.
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