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  • Celever, HW was being mean? I know it was a joke. Though where he got that can't count from...
    nice game!!if only i have won the double battle,i would have won ,best 2 out of 3
    good luck with the tournament!!!
    yes we could do it now
    i wanted to train a little more but thats ok.could you sent the challenges?
    it appears we are opponents on Random Battle Royal
    i'm 2 hours ahead of you
    let me know date and time for our battle ,when possible
    Celever, Yeah, I'm just there to beat up the main character, and make the rich kid's gang look bigger. :\ Well, someone's gotta do the job.

    I think I can make the game work with the new gimmick. I'll definitely have to change the roles a bit. If I'm really having trouble, I'll be sure to keep you in mind. :)
    Celever, okay, thanks. It just gives me a time span on when my three games could get out there!
    Celever, Well, now that Smash is out, I've been pretty addicted to it. >.> I already have all the characters and stages. It's pretty darn fun. Have you gotten the game yet?

    I'll keep that in mind. I'm still trying my hardest to portray the character, even if I don't get to do much. I guess I don't have a problem with playing jerks, I just have a problem playing jerks who aren't funny, are jerks for basically no reason, and don't have any interesting lines. So basically I just don't like playing characters who are written poorly lol.

    I don't know if I can pull it off in my first time hosting online. I would also be done with the roles if I didn't decide to use this mechanic. I'll see what I can do with the game, and if I can get the mechanic to work.
    Celever, Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. 17,924 coins? I already got a little bit bored playing the same 5 characters over and over again, and being stuck on Time mode. I can't imagine playing it that much lol.

    The play is called The Outsiders (based off the book/movie). It's about a bunch of greasers who get picked on and beat up by the rich kids (called "Socs"). The story focuses on one of the greasers, who's 14. He has to deal with the Socs, his parents being dead, his strict brother who takes after him, and general problems that arise when living in the slums. I play one of the generic Socs. Not exactly ecstatic about playing a total jerk, but that's part of the fun of theater.

    The game's pretty much a generic chocolate game, but there is 1 small new mechanic. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's used for some cool stuff. I have an idea for it that could be very interesting, but I'm not sure if I want to use it, as it could make the game too chaotic, and I haven't exactly balanced the game for it if I decide to implement it.

    Ooh, a new mechanic that is "insanely useful"? Now I'm even more excited! And I'll be one of the first to hear what it is, too. :D Can't wait to see what it is.
    Celever, 3-4 hours? Wow, you get even less sleep than I do (about 6-7 hours). :p

    Things are good. Smash Bros 3DS comes out midnight tonight (about 7 hours from now), so I'm gonna be playing that with my brother all night. I'm also in a theater show that premiers tomorrow. I'm not an important character or anything (I have 3 lines :p), but the cast is all really good, and I'm doing a lot of stage work for it as well. In fact, I'm heading to rehearsal in a couple minutes.

    Alright, awesome! Looking forward to playing it! I'm sure you'll make a great host; you seem to have a lot of experience with WW, much more than I do at least. To tell you the truth, I'm actually working on a game of my own. I've made all the roles and their flavor, so all I need to do is write up the OP and a few of the updates. I am a little worried my game might be a little unbalanced though. It's pretty heavy on the "madness" side of role madness, which is, as I'm sure you know, difficult to balance.
    /me goes to fetch his juggling balls. Then he remembers he has no way to show Celever he's juggling.

    How are things going with you, Celever? I don't get to talk to you much.

    Oh, and Drohn and I decided you're gonna have to finish Anti-Arceus, and start (and eventually finish) 1 more WW game before you can submit your game. You're doing good so far, so keep it up! :D We're currently looking for someone you can send your WW information to. We'll definitely know by the time we nee more WW applications.
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