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  • Granted, but my point was that Gen IV transferring is a weak excuse to deny R/S remakes. I'm obviously in the dark just as much as the rest of us as to what will happen on the 8th, it could very well be gen iv but it could also be R/S remakes.
    Thanks for catching that. My original intention was to lock, but then decided I would rather the conversation continue elsewhere.
    Actually even over the weekend I can RNG my whole rain and sun and sand team and have it for winter regionals!
    Clay, OMG it allllll just came to me! EV's IV's RNGing and everything! By Spring Regionals I'll have a perfect team! Thanks!
    Clay, How about this:

    "This thread will link to each individual trader's 'Main Trade Posts', which will include players' Friend Codes. These posts will also have all of the traders' Haves and Wants, as well as contact info. Traders who have Main Trade Posts are asked to maintain it accordingly. Make sure other members can tell that the post in your Main Trade Post. It is recommended that you name your post something with your username so members can identify your post easily in the index. Traders are not required to have a post indexed here, but it is recommended if you trade often, as it is easier to link someone to a post of your collection than to repeat each time what you have up for trade."

    Change anything you need.
    Alright unless you've vanished in the past 5 minutes, may I recommend the Sky Temple server since the Dark Voltage server appears to be down now as well.
    Sorry, I was updating my RMT and I have to eat. I'll check back to see if you're available when I'm done.
    Clay, I haven't played it yet but it looks pretty cool. It plays just like regular Monopoly but the properties, cards, and tokens are all Nintendo characters/items. It spices Monopoly up for the Nintendo fan.
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