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  • That happened twice with me, one in Diamond, and the other in Soulsilver. Well, halfway through Soulsilver I switched from Typhlosion to a Wailord from Platinum.
    It's hard to come up with stuff for that kind of forum. Most others are self-sustaining. I hope it never gets deleted though.
    Chariblaze, oooohhhh I see. I'm not crazy then. :p

    Yeah, it was a good idea. Thanks! I really appreciate it.
    Your thread is
    /me shades

    but no srs. We have to approve threads in BW2 discussion?
    Shiny Mew lv. 43(FAL2010) T
    Shiny Jirachi lv. 17(SMR2010) T
    Shiny Shaymin lv. 39(Oblivia) T
    Shiny Reshiram lv. 100(SMR2012) UT
    Shiny Mewtwo lv. 70(FEB2012) UT
    Shiny Eruption Heatran lv. 50 (Oblivia) Slightly T
    Shiny Attack form Deoxys lv. 50(Oblivia) UT
    i loled at these hacks Misty was offering

    I don't go for Shinies since I'm too lazy to use Pokecheck and find my SID. But yeah, thanks anyway for the advice.

    Alright, I got what I wanted (Jolly Piloswine with 31/31/31/x/31/31). Thanks for your help! This will be easier for me in the future.
    I have good news and bad news.

    The good news is that I actually ended up figuring out the Mersenne Twister RNG, and after some patience, I got a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Piloswine.

    The bad news is that the Nature turned out to be Hasty (even though the Ability was what I wanted). I'm looking for the Jolly Nature, and I can't seem to wrap my head around the PIDRNG (the Smogon guide sucks - bearsfan092 helped a lot but I still can't figure it out). Do you think you could help? I'll try to explain my basic process:
    • Took my seed and pasted it in the Seed (Hex) Box
    • Put in my Desired Nature, Ability, and Encounter Slots (and filled in anything else necessary)
    • Hit Generate, got a good result (I think it was 65 - 56 = 9)
    • Did everything else as normal
    I think I almost got it, but I still need some explanation. Thanks in advance.
    You've done calibration and standard IV abuse (Mersenne Twister RNG), correct? I just finished up my calibration, but I failed in hitting my target time. I believe I did everything right up until then (eg. getting a seed with the desired IV spread, getting my offset of 1 second, attempting to hit with the right date and time). I'm still a little rusty on 5th Gen RNG, so maybe you can help.
    So does the sandile that I ended up with have 4/31/28/30/13/31 IVs like you said or did you end up with something else?

    I'm just confirming so I can remember it later.
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