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  • I understand. My own Fakedex and region info is extensive too. I'm currently revising it.
    Like I said, I don't have a problem with it because it's still a writing project. PMJ may or may not agree with me, though. I'm in-charge of the Writer's Corner, but I still have to respect S-Mods' decisions about things.
    Okay. If it's all writing, go ahead and make a thread for it. Like I said, this was just an alternative idea to keep people from complaining. Just make a note that I okayed it first. I have my own game-plot info I may add to FT's new thread so it doesn't conflict with Fake Creations rules when I repost my Fakedex. The one Fake Creations rule just exists to keep people from posting spammy dead-end ideas in that forum. Writing projects are a different matter.
    Meh, did the thread tags work? I got a 404 error. I only used them because I'm on via phone at the moment.
    [thread]Feral Twilight (PG-13/Locked to start better threads)[/thread] <-Not exactly what you meant, but this is what I'm talking about. The links in the OP are set to go straight to the posts I made for my Fakedex and Region info.
    Then I don't see why you can't post it in the same thread. It's just an idea, and would keep people from reporting it. Like I said, I basically what I did. I only recently decided to lock my old thread for Feral Twilight and repost thing separately.
    Okay. Well, is it something you can include as part of your Trainer Quest story? I did that with my Fakedex by adding it to Feral Twilight initially. I only recently decided to post them in separate threads.
    Do you have a Fakedex to go with the walkthrough? That may make you exempt to the rule that you need to be making a game before posting a walkthrough in Fake Creations. I can't say that for sure, but you can always ask safariblade or PMJ if it would be okay to do that. It's Just a thought, anyways.
    If it's any consolation, I haven't worked on my fics much lately.
    Okay. What's up then? I just had a headcold yesterday aside from having a bad day with work.
    Woah, you're here!
    I just saw that Amphy was on here, and now you are too, lol.
    Well, what do you need? Sorry if I sound grumpy, but I haven't been feeling good lately.
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