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  • So I've been hard at work on my fan fiction and digital art since you've gone. What have you been up to this past month or so?
    Physical, if it's a punching attack. However, it might be broken because of the name. If I recall correctly, Iron Fist is one of two abilities Golett/Golurk can have (the other being Klutz). It's supposed to increase the strength of their punching attack, though I don't know what the multiplier for it is.
    This one is based of a created pony I saw and named.

    Am I safe to presume it's this guy's created pony you meant? It's not plagiarism since it's a poem you wrote, I just wanted to clarify whether or not it was his username/OC Pony that inspired your poem.
    Hey, been a while since I've seen you around here. How's it going?
    Sounds like you've actually got more of a plan for your story than you may think. I'm not sure if there's anything I can really say to get you motivated on writing it, though.

    Also, ha! You're online in the middle of class. That's almost as bad as me, when I get online while still on a jobsite sometimes (but I'm usually just on break when I do anyways).
    Yeah, I can understand. I've been trying to focus on my DS/3DS gaming stuff when I can in my downtime, and have only been making minimal progress on my writings.
    Nothing much. Just a little busy with work lately.

    How are you doing? :)
    yea luxray is my favorite pokemon and it got me a invite to worlds 3 times lol
    2009 with luxape
    2010 with luxchomp
    2011 with luxchomp
    Yeah, GIMP does need a download :/ But it's totally safe and free, I haven't encountered any bugs and I've used it for around 2 yearsish...
    If I recall correctly, there's a 60,000 character limit. So, you may end up running out of room eventually. I'm not trying to be a downer, but it does help to give new chapters their own posts because of that.
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