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  • CJBlazerX87, Is there really...
    *MrGatr sues the Pokemon Company for giving a mere Sandile sunglasses*

    Actually google images really just got me these... I resized them, and I can recolor the glasses
    CJBlazerX87, Nope...
    Sandile isn't cool enough to get sunglasses...
    + This is my fersona... Ray, they sunglassed Krookodile...
    Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving to you too, CJBlazer!
    Thanks. He's supposedly the last member of the "Musketeer quartet," and my second favorite of the foursome (after Terrakion). He hasn't officially been released yet, to my knowledge anyways.

    My current avvy, though, is a spoof of him as a My Little Pony.
    When working with an original scenario, especially with genres like fantasy and sci-fi, it helps to give some sort of background development first (as in a brief history stated within a prologue). But you can start the actual story first and incorporate the history in as it progresses, so either way would be fine.
    Of course. I just can't gaurentee that I'll get to it right away, though. But I will try to ASAP.
    Your critique is done. Hopefully I covered enough topics for you considering I actually tried to focus on plot-related details rather than pointing out spelling and grammar issues that others try to cover since they weren't as bad or constant as fics I've had to close due to generally bad writing.
    Sorry. I've been writing my review for your first chapter up, but haven't had a good opportunity to finish and post it yet. Expect it either later tonight or sometime tomorrow. I just got sidetracked with a couple things in real life between today and yesterday, so I honestly haven't been online to do much of anything whatsoever.
    CJBlazerX87, I specifically asked you NOT to make another thread. You should've PM'd me your information. Please do this in the future so I don't have to potentially lock another thread. Thanks.
    I thought it was cool. Houndoom's one of my favorite Dark-type Pokemon.
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