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  • CloudlessRayne, snow thing? heheheh.

    Me? Thursday was overall fantastic - and hilarious. I had a calc2 exam that day, so I spent the morning (up until 12.15pm or so when I had to leave for class) studying for it. When I get there, I find out the exam is going to be shorter than normal, and there's going to be a lecture after it (it'll be out of 70 points instead of 100, and the other 30 will come on a handout on Tuesday).

    I get there, look at the test, do the problems, it looks pretty simple. I'm finished with the exam, and the professor says there's 10 minutes left. I take the opportunity to double-check my work. As I do, I notice I made a huge mistake! Problem #2 asked me to calculate the length of a closed curve - I instead calculated the area inside the curve! Feverish, and with my heart apparently running on adrenaline, I erase all my work and start the problem all over again.

    About halfway through the problem, I get stuck and I'm looking at an expression that I have no idea how to work around. I stare at it for about 30 seconds, then suddenly Jesus gives me the method on how to simplify it and I end up finishing the problem, with only a minute or so to spare.

    Tests are handed in and I find out I wasn't the only one stumped on that problem. Only a few people actually figured it out, and the guy in front of me made the same mistake I did, i.e. calculating area instead of length.

    By the time I get home (after the lecture) it's 3pm, so I go pull up Youtube to find me some music to calm down with, since I'm still worked up from the test experience. Then later that night (starting about 5.30 and going til 7), I go play some tabletop Pokemon (yes, it's a thing), and via some interesting shenanigans, my Regigigas fights Red and ends up KOing all his Pokemon...with the help of some really fun abilities.

    Overall, very great day Thursday!
    CloudlessRayne, heh, never seen snow before? Sounds like a momentous occasion for an Arizonian :p

    Hey, if you have some spare time, you can hop on chat and we'll talk there.
    I'm notorious for changing avatars a lot. I've also got a rep for using ones that gross people out.
    That's just how my trade is. It's been especially bad the past six years.
    My work week changes constantly. Some times I work for days on end and other times I can be off for up to two weeks straight. This is supposed to be my busy season too, aside from summer.
    CloudlessRayne, awww, you made a new friend! :D
    Still, wonder why they picked the newbie to be the tour guide. Maybe there was an underlying reason for it.
    Fairly well. I haven't had much going on since Monday, though.
    CloudlessRayne, so in case of emergency you know how to escape without being spotted?
    If so, I am so proud of you <3 /hug
    CloudlessRayne, they even block out outside sunlight?
    What is your school anyway, a pris-...oh. Right.
    CloudlessRayne, it's weird how the sun has that kind of effect on people, doesn't it? For me the sun goes down at 5pm but still that just feels so EARLY!

    It also doesn't help that I have to drive to my church's Awana tonight when it's dark outside AND rush hour. I love being there, but I dislike the journey there. So many cars and so much time.
    "the explosion means nothing. it can't possibly affect you in any way. now go back to sleep."
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