DNA, I'm still testing my team on one of those simulator things, so I'm not entirely sure what I need. I'll let you know though :3. Right now I can't find a fourth pokemon that works with my team.
I remember one time we did debating in english class and I read one line of what I wrote, looked up because I always get "give more eye contact" as feedback, then lost my place in what I wrote and stuttered out the rest of the points I had to make. It was horrible. (We still won though, as the other team forgot to prepare anything). How would I prevent something like this from happening again.
(An one other time I had to present a project to the class, and I hadn't written notes on the summary we had to do, thinking it would be easy, but I just completely froze when I got to that part and everyone was staring at me.)
Public speaking definitely isn't my thing....