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  • DNA, Got it :p oh, I'm going to Amsterdam tomorrow all day with the librarian and a group of friends :D I most definitely will have a story or two later!
    DNA, you might not be to the chapter yet :p and yeah, a little worried about this "piece of your mind" remember that most of this was written in a month and completely unedited :p
    DNA, I picked the two brothers because they are a fun brothers Grimm tale that gets no spotlight (probably because it is sooooo long). And glad its interesting so far, the third thing wo me keeping the plot as is and just fixing the wordings and pacing/length of chapters :p and don't worry that you weren't able to finish.
    DNA, 50% is an exaggeration, more like 40-42%.
    You know what?
    42%. The meaning of everything is now the amount of chat quotes in your bio.
    I hope you're happy with yourself.
    DNA, lol, I decided I should actually right something in my Bio :p And there are way more than just baba yaga :D Although I'm not secretive about the references like I was with King and the mouse from Narnia. These ones are just flat out: Snow White, Prince Charming, Cinderella (Aschenputtel), The Two Brothers, and Baba Yaga.... I might throw in another one if I decide this version of the story is good for a basic plot and I just need to revamp each chapter to look nice :D
    Description basis for Pokebeach august:

    As we all know, August is here and its a true evil month. With school creeping around the corner, time to get your thinking caps on and show us your dark side!
    Brave too. :) You admit that you're weird. Hey, aren't we all?

    Some just don't enjoy the fact.
    I-No is right, upon searching it. My avatar is Ino, so yeah, I can see where you're getting the idea. No, I had never heard of Guilty Gear until you mentioned it.
    DNA, I'm on school holidays right now, so everything's pretty uneventful. What about you? How is the life of DNA?
    DNA, well that's good you are feeling better :)

    Yeah, the more last minute, the more expensive. Maybe you will find a good deal on flights! Haha yeah once you're there there is so much you want to get. My friend once went on vacation with her family, and they spent more money on souvenirs, then the actual trip itself!
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