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  • DNA, I'm already here (I'm posting from my phone). It should have started already, but they had some computer troubles, and they're running nearly half an hour late.
    Dude, that's amazing. I want to build Gagagas because they're so fun, but we'll see. You know I play Rabbit but I'm testing other stuffs too.
    DNA, yeah, I love the deck.

    I dunno, I guess birthdays used to be really special and significant when I was younger, and everyone would make such a big deal if it whenever it was someone's birthday, but now they don't seem as special I guess. I didn't have a bad birthday, but It just wasn't that big a deal to people as it would have been when I was 11 or 12.
    It's kind of hard to explain.
    Same. That's why I'm playing it through again because I accidentally killed a few people like Tharja without realizing I could recruit them. I'm not making that mistake this time.
    DNA, the prerelease was last week, and it was officially released on my birthday. I'm playing klingklang though.
    I guess my problem is that I've gotten into the habit of making most of my units pair up and then make them split into two attack groups (literally, I'll have half of them go one direction and the other go off in another). It actually proved especially effective for most of the game.
    I want to get more of the DLC when I get money. Some of the stuff sounds really awesome, though I'm not too fond of shelling out extra cash on a game that itself cost around $40.

    Also, I've started my next play-through. I decided to just try Casual again, but on Hard difficulty. I'm kind of feeling like that was a mistake, though, since the hard difficulty in this game actually is HARD! More enemies with slightly higher stats than in Normal... It's a good challenge, but I'm stuck at The Longfort trying to fight off Feroxi gaurds. For some reason, Vaike and Sully have become the AI's prime targets... They're the ones that get attacked/killed first.
    That's excellent! Thank you!

    I didn't do a lot of reclassing during my first play-through, but only because I wasn't sure how much stuff there was to really tweak in the game. This time I want to get in some advanced tactics and gameplay.
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