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  • DNA, why go sorceror when sage has more magic and speed, dark knight has more defense, dark flier has wings and valkyrie has more speed? Not to mention all of them give you more weapons to work with.
    Not really. One of the downloadable dungeons has tons of them in there.
    I have almost all of the different evolutionary items.
    Except for a Thunder Stone.
    DNA, Vengeance can potentially add up to 39 damage, which is higher than Aether will get, not to mention it activates way more frequently.
    DNA, Man, Bender is hilarious! And have you ever watched the show "Mysteries in the Museum"?
    DNA, You watch Futurama too?! Favorite character? Mine would have to be Zoidberg. And MAD might be the other show?
    DNA, CC is Comedy Central, and I've only watched a couple of the Epic Rap Battles. There kinda entertaining IMO.
    DNA, I am super glad King is loved :D I always thought he would be a character nobody cared about (which made me sad because he is one of my favorites... not that I pick favorites :p ). When I was rewriting the book (editing) I tried my best to give King a few extra lines just so the reader could get more attached. Which of the characters is your favorite? (I am collecting a small survey)
    Time is not an issue. Once I get the Game Sync code, I can PM it to you and be done. The save is copied to GL in some fashion and will remain there unless the account is reset. I could restore my save as soon as I PM the code to you and you could still register it and get tech support to remove it whenever is good for you. All I need to know is what game you don't have registered (and if you have all 4 gen 5 games registered, you could just make a temporary second GL account so you don't lose any DW progress).
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