DNA, This was our second trip to Euro Disney so we just did our favorites in each one, plus some of the fantasy land rides that my mom and nana love.
I am pretty good with figuring out subway systems now

So I got to lead the way to Disney on the right metro, Father and Crew had a hard time believing me at first. But I was right!
We got to disney and seriously, we weren't even through the door yet and caden spins and hits his head on a pole. After he was done crying we got inside of Disney. We went straight to DiscoveryLand/TomorrowLand and got fast passes for Space Mission 2 while we rode the buzz lightyear game. My entire family got super high scores except for me! Im not very good at those games. After that we rode space mountain and got to be in the very front! It was cool, but the ride stopped almost at the end and everyone was like. "Uhhhh, What's going on?" it stayed frozen for a few minutes and then finished up.
After we rode some of those slow fantasyland rides and had to take a ton of pictures. Then we rode pirates of the carribean. Which has the coolest line waiting thing to look at ever. The line wasn't very exsistent so we just took our time looking at everything. There is a part that is super dark and you can barely see your hand in front of your face and we tried to scare each other!
After that ride we ate food. In line the person we ordered from was french (no duh), but he was excited to meet ACTUAL Americans. He was like: "You know how you americans enjoy coming to Europe to see all of our castles and old styled homes? Well, we love to go to America to see all of your modern homes and styles!" When we were ordering our desert that comes with we had the choice of this weird french cheese thing and Ice cream, "We'll take the ice cream" "Yeah, us french are weird!" He was kind of a bigger guy so he mentioned that he was dissapointed a bit when he met us because he thought all american s were fat which would have made him fit in if he were to go to America. When my dad ordered the chicken salad the guy was like: "Woah! I would never imagine an American to order a chicken salad, but sorry we are all out"
We ate and left and headed to the Phantom Mannor. Which is super cool and they put a lot of work into making it look spooky. After we rode Big Thunder Mounain which is way better than California's version and just amazing.
When we finished we chilled in this cafe and ate some french crepes while my youngest two brothers rode Space Mountain again. On our way out we ate desert on Main street while watching the parade and then we left and headed home.