HypnoticLuxray: +3. It was my favorite scene of all time from the Ace Attorney series. It also got accompanied by the best music of all time from the Ace Attorney series.
Probably my favorite too. Ironically, I'm currently doing a reply of the series, and that's the case I was on while answering that question.
A draw counts as a loss in this style of play if you activated a card that created the draw. Say, Last Turn for instance. If you use Last Turn and the duel results in a draw, then your opponent wins.
First to lose is the winner. You cannot lose the last of your life points by paying life points (Not sure if you can even do that in the first place, but MEH).
it's the 3 Broskuteers! oh, and if you wanna resize it to the size you want on photo bucket, you gotta click on the little white bar by where it says "Keep proportions" under the resize option. It's really easy