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  • Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Well err, yeah, I guess so. And actually that relates to what I said on Skype more than what I just said. Just remembered how I worded it now.
    That clears it all up. ^^ Btw, have you checked out the link I gave you yesterday?
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Is it weird that after I read what you said, I felt pretty good about myself. I think it partially helps and means more coming from you too. ...Which makes me think back to what I said on Skype the other night

    ...No stop, y-you're not really my father!
    Yeah, almost all the time. I've had a lot of remodels and expansion projects in recent year, which accounts for most older houses I do.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Now you just need to worry about others asking for rides from you. ^_^
    No no, just closed the tab. Life so far is wonderful. I'm starting to draw more and am actually getting noticed. What about you?
    We don't get an allowance. It's like 200 bucks we get to spend on whatever we want. And yeah, it's 1:00 AM here, but lately, I can't sleep so I'm watching Phineas and Ferb. :3
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Hmmm.... Sometimes it's kinda fun... But the funny thing is your usertitle... LOL
    A lot of older buildings in my area are that way. The construction was different than today and everything was basically smaller than it should be. It's not the first place I've worked in like that either. Actually, I do a lot of replacement work in them nowadays.
    Oh, congrats! I usually don't play into superstitions, but I did have 'bad luck' Friday while on the jobsite. I had to remove carpet from an old farmhouse, which was a nightmare for me since it had low ceilings and tight staircases I had to navigate through to get to where I had to be. It was really hot inside too due to the lack of air circulation and I was working up a sweat with little effort. Also, I kept pricking my fingers on old staples since a lot of the old flooring was just tacked down, not to mention I kept hooking my shirt on picture nails that had been left in thd wall.
    What do you think of this idea. You send each person on the team a piece to a puzzle or a riddle, and then they have to put it all together to solve the puzzle or riddle.
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