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  • I agree I hate facing that MONSTER at battle tower. He's the reason I started EV TRAINING!!!
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, I see.

    If it was a Pokemon, then it'd have to be a Sprit, and human, it'd be...human. It may have to be based on the personality...whether it acts similar to a Pokemon or a human.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Was it during driving school, or was it just yourself?

    I was only answering the question. :p
    So...species? Are you talking about Pokemon?
    Wow Heracross is a pest. I am trying to get my own by breeding a male and female to get a baby with Megahorn its gonna take a while My team currently is (Ninjask,Blaziken and Grumpig) my subs a Starmie.Shiftry and Weezing
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Well, the day only comes around every four years, and this year had a Feb. 29th, so I guess it would depend on which year you were born in. Was it in a year with a 29th?

    Wait, why is your heart beating so fast?
    oh cool thats a cool way to count them with ur pokemon cards. Don't worry about pokerus really it I don't care for it I EV train them anyway. Do you do Battle Tower? and what is ur team?
    Its already done. It came out as a Torchic lv 5 Naughty. it had scratch.growl.overheat and rock slide. (I didn't know I would get overheat..I gave TM Overheat to my male camerupt) Naughty was a great nature it. And I raised it up to a level 50 Combustion then I evolved it a Blaziken so it could learn Sky Uppercut. It also had pokerus I EV traied it a little.(I don't know how to keep score though) Anyway my plan was to use it for LV 50 Battle Tower. It came out great.
    I think sweetie belle works as a good cowbell. Also I figured out where everyone's socks go....ya know....how one sock always disaPpears. I rationalized it with lmbs on day....IT ALL MAKES PERFECT SENSE
    To answer the question for your away reason, it's a yes or no, depending on how you celebrate it. If you don't choose between Feb. 28 and Mar. 1, then you'd consider yourself to be in the Juniors.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, It's actually obvious sarcasm. I saw them for two+ years. I'm all too used to it.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Yeah, but I meant that the Pokemon (trainer) would try to get help or be captured. I know PMD, but I meant like actual battling, with no friends except for someone who finds out that you've turned into a Pokemon later. Really, maybe it could be the world that the human in PMD gets transferred to after he/she 'finishes' the game.

    No, I'm not sneaking on. :p How are you doing?
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, yeah, it would just make Pluff more versatile in other weathers.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, too bad Jumpluff didn't obtain Prankster as an ability. Encore would be great on a Pokemon with more resistances to exploit given the Flying type, and Sleep Powder would emergency check so much stuff...
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