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  • Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Oh no, I meant that I would RULE the index cards. And I could be an accountant (Just to answer that question). :p
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Might I suggest the Realm Of Index Cards? Last I checked, nothing has been happening over there lately. So they could probably use some kinda evil dictator. Of course, if you don't was the job, I'll gladly take it. C=< (I am SO happy that they don't have child labor laws there. :p)
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, DID YOU JUST SAY I OWN PART OH THE WORLD!? Imagine th possiblities... I CAN FINALLY TAKE THAT GIANT LASER PROJECT OFF HOLD NOW!!! >=D Oh, you didn't mean that? Awwww... I really wanted to blow something up. =C Nothing has been going on here lately. What about you? *Starts sketching portable laser prototypes*
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, I don't know WHO THE HECK THAT WAS, but he made me wake up. Look's like you'd see him on the side of a Sunny-D bottle for some kinda sweepstakes. I LIEK SUNNY-D. :p
    Yeah, 180 miles is the limit as a round trip is about a tank's worth of gas for my car. Nevertheless, it does mean I can travel about southern California, except for some parts of Imperial County. (And that's okay because nothing happens in Imperial County anyway.) I'll probably be at the Battle Roads with an updated version of the deck I used at Long Beach.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Maybe, but my family isn't that talkative. They were sleeping when I heard the voices...

    That's a pretty good poem... but I haven't heard it before.

    How are you?
    "I'd always been a bit wary of TDL, mostly because I saw he was a really good player. But I didn't find anything to actually suspect him. That, of course, just proves he's a good player."

    (No, no, it's fine; I'm only on break, as I've said.)
    Realizing that I can't write Disbelief until the end of the semester, I'm a tad frustrated.
    Not many people are on and Apollo's away message is only suggesting that I try not to agitate him.
    Yeah, if you want to know, the cutoff point for me is about 180 miles. I already get annoyed at having to pay for gas and for parking. That's where I draw the line.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, -And the search is on :D *comes to think of that I'll find it under your topics*
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