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  • I'm actually Vast White Reshiram. I just wanted to start over. :D
    There should be a few comments by me on here on page 81.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, I see. That's a good thing, since some characters might be embarrassed if they're with someone who's younger than them.

    What kind of idea is it? I want to try my best to help.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, So there's a line between similarity and difference? (and oh, don't mention my age)

    Hmm, you do like to write a lot.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Oh, good.

    I actually was going to write a new story (again?). But I threw the idea away because I have way too many stories to post. And about that new story... I won't ask about it, but yes, you have permission. Be sure to remember to not copy my exact personality!
    School Day Chronicles, just before the Funny Things That Happened in My Life.

    And yes. Cool. But I'll be lonely.
    I'll be at home, waiting for my best friend to come back from the Dominican Republic. :3

    Updated my profile!
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, The sky, temperatures, lids of cans, your story, the big spring break, my online status, the TVs, light switches, and The Challenge.

    ...Bippa is gone...
    Hope your team goes well! I have a break of one week and two days.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Haha, you've got me there. I was just commenting on how seriously these fads are taken, and then how quickly they are forgotten. Ah well. Can't wait to see what rears its head next.
    well gosh darn, I guess the "end of freedom on the internet" and "the future of our generation" weren't as important as all of those people on facebook said they were

    Why must your away reason be in moonspeak? Also, that's hardly a reason at all to be away (not to mention, aren't you Dues?).
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, If Cress is too difficult, you could opt for Musharna instead. Just replace Icy Wind with Psychic.
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Yes. When they forsaw the end of the world, I'm sure this is what they saw. Want to make it more horrific? Give it the Rescue Scarf.
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