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  • Deus: Nightmare Autarch, I don't mean lucid dreams- although I could be experiencing it and not even notice.

    Clear my mind of everything. I think I have an over-thinking problem. (Wait, maybe I can use it to create a story!)

    Anything else?
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Blame my memory. :p

    Forgetting dreams? I always do that, too. But I try to control my dreams by thinking, and I just don't feel like I'm sleeping. It tires my mind out. (sometimes I think I have an overactive imgaination. I try to go into depth; sometimes I go too deep. It's a huge problem that I regret thinking about.) I need to clear my mind >_<

    Board games? I don't know how to describe it.

    I know; but what would you do for entertainment purposes?
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, oh god this makes the second time I've done that this month. The other time was when I was talking about laddering on smogon, and I said latter. ._.

    idk why, but it happens
    ">implying I read each and every recent comment on a person's wall"

    Then how did you see the I have 7 comment? o_O
    Yeah... but guess who was ninja'd!

    "(Today at 01:01 PM)
    The guy below me is talking about the Mewtwo EX on your title."

    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Correct! I normally think how the characters feel in the movies. (ex., if there was a blue and really powerful tornado, I'd feel very cold and suffer a painful, frozen grave.)

    The most powerful time machine is actually in your brain. When you dream tonight, try to think of the happiest time in your life. Remember everything that happened. Now the dream will repeat the memory on its own. It's like traveling through time- and you can feel the closest chance to experience this most happy time all over again. :)

    It doesn't feel adventurous. It's not really...feel real. I'd like to play board games, but what happens? Could I really memorize it? As if it was real?
    Technology is adventurous, but it doesn't provide continuous entrainment. You'll get bored of it after a while.

    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, I know that, but how was it used in the Great Encounters era? Could it stack?
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, I don't think they are. They usually appear out of nowhere when I'm thinking. But that's just me- I forget things and then remember them later.

    I feel sorry for you.

    It's still boring. I need to not use technology. Even playing my old Skylanders didn't help. :p
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch,
    Don't worry. I've learned that all living things are temporary- not including memories. On Friday, even the rain couldn't dampen my sprits. I kept thinking, it's only temporary.
    What kinds of stuff?
    And I'm doing good. Just bored. I'm too addicted to Flipnote. x(
    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Oh. When I was posting it, I didn't even consider them as ideas or suggestions- only guesses. :p

    How are you?
    I have a question about Great Encounters Erratas: Could you attach more than one pluspower to your pokemon during a turn? Actually, could you use any trainers T1? I don't really want to post a whole thread in the Card Rulings and Game Mechanics.
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