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  • DNA, It's the Pokemon in your avatar, isn't it? :)

    Speaking of battles, I'm aiming for Totodile to be my favorite, but Snivy is in the way of the water Pokemon, and the same goes for the Brutal Pokemon, also known as Hydreion. (I wonder if I spelled it right?)
    Yeah, you basically have to fight fire with fire (Well, EX VS EX) and that's kind of a problem considering that you're basically giving each other 2 Prizes.

    Last night I had to play against Judge Michael and almost won. I basically was always drawing Regigigas on my first draw because of the texture and not using sleeves. I beat his Zekrom EX with it!

    Planning on putting Zekrom EX into my Eelzone deck.
    DNA, Yes, I said it. Ha ha.

    Just kidding, getting online is just a hassle unless I'm getting on Facebook. Cause I can do that with my ipod.

    With a few Special Darkness Energy it actually can do a lot of damage...

    Oh, I plan on using my Zororark as EX counters.

    I don't really understand the hype of DarMAXitan yesterday. What's so good about it? Just that Gardevoir will make it easier for it to do a lot of damage? Would Victini work with it?

    I'm actually getting 5 boxes of it. lol

    Yesterday, between me and m uncle (Gary Wallace) we got Reshiram EX (FA), Shaymin EX (Reg), and Giggles EX (Reg).

    lol. I had to go into Sudden Death during that.

    Are you getting any boxes of ND?

    Ahh, I saw you wearing that shirt at Regionals.

    You go to the league in Huntington Beach?

    I go to the one in Lakewood (Munchy's Gym).

    I'll be seeing you at States, correct?
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