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  • 'Balla da li, di la; tra la la la la~'

    I was going to google translate this, but then I realised that google translate sucks.

    So, what does the above mean, oh cryptic one.
    * Luckyfire noms cookie.

    Thank you. And oh, I'll remind you that /me commands don't work on walls, but you probably already knew that. :p
    DNA, yes, A* is the highest grade you could get. PSHCE is about politics (David Cameron ugh), Triple Science is Physics, Chemistry and Biology, and Res Mats is computer graphics, technology, making things etc.
    DNA, it is to do with the result at the end, and I'm going for A* in English :p So, gonna do A levels and BTEC mainly. My options are going to be:
    Triple Science
    Res Mats
    I only get 4...
    No, I'm not going to hand it over. What'd you expect from a little puppy?

    * Luckyfire paws DNA's fedora over.
    YU are a STAR, just like MIE

    took me 12 hours to come up with that what dyou think huh huh
    DNA, well, we are starting our GCSE courses now, so everyone's been a bit scared and nervous, but I'm looking forward to taking them :p
    DNA, ouch. Must hurt to have people you have talked to for months give you scrutiny over something like that. All I can really do is listen to you, as I have never been in that kind of situation myself
    DNA, oh. So you have the hatred inside of you, instead of others giving you hatred. Well, forgive my 'scene-kid' remark, then.
    DNA, wait, but one of your previous user titles was 'X/Y is a perfect time for me to quit Pokemon!'. This kind of suggests otherwise-- ugh, I need to stop bringing werewolf attributes into every convo I have.

    I suppose not playing Pokemon, on a Pokemon forum will make you on edge.
    'Why must I have so much hatred?'

    You sound like a scene-kid on Facebook who's going 'OMG, I CANT BELIEVE HE DID THAT'.

    What's up?
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