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  • DNA, It's pretty much a do-anything simulator for duels. You go to the duel room (similar to a PO server) and you can either host a duel or join a duel, which can be in the advanced and traditional format. First, you have to create a deck, browsing through every card ever created with a search system, and adding cards to your deck file (you can have as many decks as you want). You then find an appropriate duel. The simulator has one big "flaw" as I like to call it: it doesn't restrict your plays. It can't prevent you from summoning as many cards as you want per turn. If you click the appropriate button, the simulator will follow your command. You and your opponent must manually see the effect of your cards through. For example, if you activate MST from your hand, you tell your opponent what card you want to destroy, and then they manually send it to the graveyard. You then send MST to your graveyard; the simulator doesn't automatically do it all. This is why DN is looked down on, a lot of noobs and trolls just make stupid decks and make idiotic and illegal plays. If this happens, you can call a moderator and they'll give you the win. Fortunately this doesn't happen often, and I've had a lot of fun duels. Hope this helps.
    Why (<-) is everyone doing this, it's so stupid. As if I didn't know who I am. :C
    DNA, *Luckydra gently slaps DNA.*

    I deserve to get slapped if I didn't remember the pony being a horse. I know I said it before, but I just remember these things blankly, if not at all; it just pops out at me in my mind. @.@

    DNA, I thought I knew a pony named Minty from one of my old VCRs...? The avatar pony looks like her. :p

    And nope, it's not a pony. It's bigger. A pony is a smaller...horse. >.<
    DNA, She's a pony. :p

    Minty is standing on her hind legs and trying to balance without her front legs... or should I say arms? >_>
    DNA, Oh, you meant my usertitle? Teal already asked about it. :p

    I'm not falling over. Just that my usertitle is referring to the avatar. :)
    Now I kinda remember the book. I think it was something in Voya Nui that I read.
    They are pretty awesome.
    I read one of those books a couple years ago, can't remember much about it though.
    At first, I thought your usertitle said "toga".
    I have ninja'd Gliscor but who hasn't

    And I don't know how to make those. Is it some website.
    DNA, I'm doing fine, asides the fact that I really want to play Skylanders but cannot beat Kaos' undead minions. How about you?
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