DNA, pretty good. But there wasn't even any slush by the time we went outside though... We got to skip math, literacy, and gym (sad about gym, we get to learn karate! )
DNA, well, you have 2 plastic sticks and 1 other stick with little leather strings on both ends. You let the leather-stringed stick descend slowly down the other sticks. When the leather-stringed stick nearly reaches the bottom, you jerk the other 2 sticks up to the sky and try to catch the leather-stringed stick with the other 2 sticks. I don't play with them much.
last night we threw snowballs at the strangers across the street and we got a school delay!
DNA, well, our school has a busy street next to it, so now they're expanding the road, right into our "playspace" (but it really isn't a playspace, more like a concrete ground with a 4 square painted on it)