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  • "I like how Zyflair is a far more prominent writer and editor than I am or probably ever will be, and you mention me as the go-to guy for proofing.


    Futa has mentioned you as being grammar picky :X
    Haha, I'm a bit rusty at the moment but I'll slowly make my way back to the top. :p
    DNA, Pretty good! Too bad all of my good ideas end up being heavily played anyways, so my new decks will probably suffer the same fate. If you care, they're Mewtwo EX/Tornadus and Vilepume/Reuniclus/EXs. The latter is untested. The former needs work, it loses to ZPST.

    How about you, what are you up to?
    Do you know of a good 3rd Gen 3-Pokemon team (for Emerald) that doesn't require trading outside of the game? I'm having trouble with the Battle Frontier.
    The funny thing is nobody ended up using it so a bunch of people teched in Armor fossil for nothing :p.

    I like playing decks that aren't popular too. Futa and I both went to states last year with those kind of decks (me Jumpluff, him Gigas) and it was fun (until I beat him in the last round because I was power locking him : P).

    Then at Regs I used Magnerock. Good times.
    "Which tech? I'm not sure what you mean."

    People teched fossils into their deck so when LostGar used Seeker they'd pick up the fossil.
    DNA, Well the big deal is that you become the "organizer" of sorts for the section you run.

    And you're also supposed to make sure the forums are running smoothly and stuff, like you were saying before. It's just that that's only part of the deal for being a super mod.

    But yeah, physically, those are pretty much the only differences I've noticed.
    DNA, Only I made the Horn dragon's eyes too large. Although, it has a light in its eyes that makes it seem to gaze into your soul.
    DNA, Well they kind of are, but their primary job is to run their specific section. Who runs one section is kind of gone over here, but it's not made as clear as it should be.

    Gale and I are just co-running because I'm not experienced enough to do it on my own, and Gale doesn't have enough time to do it on his own.

    Besides, there's hardly difference between pink mods and green mods. They're just different colors. ;)
    DNA, I guess the death of families appeals to you - as long as they're a "ponytards'" family :eek:
    is comin to all yo ponytards hause, lock yo doors hide yo familiz

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