Dec 24, 2011 Wow. That's a lot. That person must be fairly popular and talkative. That stinks. Hope you get better soon.
Wow. That's a lot. That person must be fairly popular and talkative. That stinks. Hope you get better soon.
Dec 24, 2011 Lol. I'm good. How are you? Wow. You have a lot of profile comments. Do you have the most?
PG24 Dec 23, 2011 DNA, I remeber hearing about that when I used to read Pokemon-X. I still do, haha. I'll watch them when I get the time. :3
DNA, I remeber hearing about that when I used to read Pokemon-X. I still do, haha. I'll watch them when I get the time. :3
Skymin Dec 23, 2011 DNA, I know. x_x And gaahh, no my mom was like "Oh hey, they're only opening is in January." So yeahh....
DNA, I know. x_x And gaahh, no my mom was like "Oh hey, they're only opening is in January." So yeahh....
Skymin Dec 23, 2011 DNA, No sadface. And ew, I'm sorry. D: You should try some home remedies before it gets worse. :< If it makes you feel any better my stomach is destroying me. : D
DNA, No sadface. And ew, I'm sorry. D: You should try some home remedies before it gets worse. :< If it makes you feel any better my stomach is destroying me. : D
Skymin Dec 23, 2011 DNA, Well, I knew he had hands, but I still think it looks pretty funky with the extra heads. Haha.
PG24 Dec 23, 2011 DNA, loooooooooool, yes her I remember all of the toon cards as well. Blue Eyes Toon Dragon was d'awwwww
DNA, loooooooooool, yes her I remember all of the toon cards as well. Blue Eyes Toon Dragon was d'awwwww
PG24 Dec 23, 2011 DNA, ohhh I remember him and the female version. keep on with this, you're bringing back memories
PG24 Dec 23, 2011 DNA, ohhhhhhhg, the one in the anime who faced that slifer dude who decked out. I only remember bits and pieces of the few YGO episodes I did watch. =p
DNA, ohhhhhhhg, the one in the anime who faced that slifer dude who decked out. I only remember bits and pieces of the few YGO episodes I did watch. =p