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  • DNA, You write amazingly, I don't know what you are talking about. I mean of course there is always room for improvement, but in all honesty its good. I shall slowly read more over the break.
    I like it, seems interesting. And I simply love the detail that you put into your chapters. :>
    DNA, That's why I asked everyone before creating the story. Peachy asked what the story was about, and then she said "Okay". :)
    DNA, Maybe. I'll be working on my next chapter, including some new characters. Don't tell the others, but they're (currently) Zade and Zorua.

    I have asked Zade, but he hasn't answered. I hope he doesn't mind if I use him for my story. :)
    DNA, Kinda... It was last-mintue, so my project didn't get burned into the USB... They shouldn't have done that without me. :(
    DNA, Pretty well but one: my health teacher thought I didn't do my project. I already did it...

    Anyway, I'm currently grinding on Pokemon Online. I can join... it says a error: Error while connected to server--Received error n 2: Host not found
    I can't really do anything on PO.
    yeah, the link thing confuses me too. Apparently the only time where link, zelda and ganon are exactly the same is in between OoT and Majora's Mask. The rest are just retellings of the same story in a different timeline which is really really stupid imo. Kinda like Romeo and Juliet or the Christmas Carol being told over and over again in different time periods and all that.
    DNA, Yay! *hugs*

    I'll read it in a little bit. Ganon and Zy know I hate reading, so I must make time to read all of y'alls fanfics.
    DNA, Someone needs a hug. ;D *Holds arms out*

    You are working on a fanfic too? Why are all of y'all writing these days. Something else I must read.
    DNA, ;-;

    It was okay, my brother came down to visit. So we went shopping at one of the outlets.

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