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  • DNA, That would be horrible, I don't want them using their African voodoo on me. xD

    And well, sort of, and I need to go back to the doctors to see if I have Pulmonary Embolism or something similar.

    Thanks. ;D
    DNA, It is. However, I have to admit I am sort of afraid because of an African guy that keeps hitting on me. x_x

    Ah, okay. Sounds like my U.S. History class, but that is understandable.

    Since July, so yeah pretty much. xD
    DNA, Oh, that's not too bad, for some reason I was thinking it would have like 100 questions or so. I guess its because our AP exam had around 89 questions.

    Its really fun, I enjoy working with the Asians. :> But basically we assist them with English assignments or help them with their grammar. If they need help with any other subject, we can help them with that too.

    *hugs* I'm always sick. You get used to it. :<
    DNA - Yeah, I saw it. I was wondering why you showed it to me, lol. I will probably be using my old winter avatar, or potentially a different one; it will depend on my preference, then.
    DNA, Oh gosh, another person with a chem final. But I'm sure you will pass, I believe in the power of DNA. >:l How many questions are usually on the final? Do you know?

    I'm doing okay I guess, been helping tutor foreign kids at school lately, but that's it. Besides that I've been sick.
    You give me a comic that references the Lion and the Mouse, I give a picture of the Lion and the Mouse.

    Relevant enough for me.
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