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  • DNA,

    I have to upload it tomorrow or so. I don't think you deserve it though. *whistles*
    It always says "Done, but with errors on page." It's probably because I'm using the horrible browser that is Internet Explorer, but I'm too lazy to change browsers anyway.
    coolstorybro. Man I really wish my freaking reply button actually worked.
    DNA, No, you are a jerk. :< lol

    And okay, but don't expect it to be soon, I have a lot of schoolwork to catch up on. Maybe in 2 weeks. xD

    BTW, I drew your ugly Claydol.
    DNA, I gotcha ^^

    Well if you can PM me the forum, that'd be nice. That would help me a lot.
    CHARGE! *charges towards DNA in slow-motion*
    DNA, Leave me and my late-night spelling errors alone, old man. xD

    It's okay, I've played okami over again about 12 times already. But I shall see, this is quite interesting. >o<
    DNA, Testing those scripts must have been fun, lol. And yes, I've seen the video before, I am a hardcore star wars fan after all. :D I haven't seen it in a long while, though, so thank you for sharing it anyways. I just got finished watching the Watchmen after the first time after I had read the graphic novel, so I felt the avatar was appropriate, haha. Again, thanks for the help with chat scripts and whatnot, it helps me out more than you know. :p
    DNA, Could be better. Just waiting for Serebii to send me a message back on account issues. Other then that, I am just fine ^^
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