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  • I would, but my upstair neighbors still have our dictonary. -3-

    Thank you! ^3^
    What exactly iis hijinks? (I think I know, but double checking)

    Oh and may I have a hug? '3'
    DNA, I need food too. x_x

    And the fudge? Now I'm a freaking Unicorn. Darn y'all to heck. Why not a Pegasus huh!?!?!
    I forgot I mention that. I am getting old. My memory is not as good as it once was.
    Who said I never went to Worlds? I am a girl of many talents. :p
    Plus I know how to work Ebay in my favor.
    DNA, I know. ;-;

    I took chemistry sophomore year, but I'm sure when I go to college I'm going to have to take it again.
    DNA, True. xD See, those questions are stupid. >0>

    Well for me it was long, 3 years. haha.
    DNA, It was lol. But what if the chemicals are deadly huh? They could burn through someone's glove or something.

    And I know, I was so sad. He lived such a long life.
    DNA, Well, see I over think things too much. And by too much I mean TOO much. When we had a lab safety test I had to debate about the question "Which do you do first? Turn off the Bunsen Burner or pour out the chemicals." The whole time I was saying "If I turn off the burner first then I might waist the chemicals, if I pour the chemicals first then I might set something on fire." I got the question right in the end, but it shouldn't have taken ten minutes to answer. xD

    Edit: My fishy just died. ;-;
    DNA, Exactly. Usually when I change my answers, the first answer was the right answer. I have still yet to figure out why I still do it.
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