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  • DNA, I was thinking about making the ninja be the mastermind behind an evil plot involving a Super-Omega-Manly-Awesome-Like-Intelligent-Android. That's about it so far. I've considered just scrapping it and making the Jellicent be the evil one and tell stories of his nefarious deeds. If I go that way, I'll include SOMALIA and the ninja as antagonists, though.
    This is what, the second time you have a non-matching avvy and banner or something?
    How would you feel about the antagonist to my Energy Ball Jellicent story that I need to get around to writing being a ninja who uses a Claydol?
    I understand. It's not like I had a chance anyway :p I think it's awesome that you took the time to make a trivia in the first place. Keep up the good work!
    Not that it matters, but when blah posted before me, he put arena trap and shadow tag as part of his answer. Just sayin. Anyways, awesome quiz and keep it up!
    That's a good idea. =D
    And I just wanted to make my point clear. =P
    So hopefully the smods will have actually take notice of what they are doing. =/
    And thanks! I just had to tell what I know! :3
    Find what you can. If I recall, there were only so many articles that were written and posted in the thread.
    Thanks for sorting through the TWH thread to find those. I intend to try and copy-paste them onto an MS Word file so I have them on-hand too when I get a chance to. Hopefully we can work this project to completion this time if people pitch in.
    My ability is Speed Boost, I know Agility and Protect. I think I can outspeed you.

    But anyway you visited my profile. Was that a casual or business affair?
    DNA, Oh, I'm fine. I was just playing a game. I normally look at other people's profile and comment on them, but I noticed ramsey1993 had looked at my profile. o_O
    DNA, Yes, very much so.

    I do hope that we get 13 though, because it looks like it takes a bunch of mechanics from the past games, like the Sacred Stones overworld map.
    DNA, Oh wow. I fail...

    FE12 was actually released in Japan in July 2010.

    I dunno why I think its 2012, Maybe I'm just excited for the world to go boom. :p
    DNA, There's no source, but I think its a educated guess.

    12 was released in July 2011. The past games have taken about 8 months to be translated. Its now October 2012, and there's nothing.

    Also, 13 has been confirmed as well. Information about it was given about a month ago.
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