ok.bye.have fun at league.i never knew there were leagues that started at 2 ish.mine start at 4 and five so yeah.i wish i could go to my league.but yeah.have fun.ttyl
its a weird name for gothlittelle reuniclus.its really funto say.cause come on who doesnt like gothic jelly? .lol.what do u mean its not one of those is it a rogue deck u made?
yeah.me too.lol.i try one deck and if it doesnt work i take apart in two seconds then rebuild it again in a week after to make sure if i like it or not.i did that to my ZPST and it worked.but it takes a lot of time for me to build than rebuild decks.do u ever do that?
oh well yeah.i never played any decks besides gyrados and Gengar garchomp during Md on.how did that deck work.Why dont u want to meet any so called famous players.
thanks.best of luck to you.i doubt that i can go caus i already missed the first week of school so yeah.what did u play in april regionals and how did u do?