don()shinobi Jul 6, 2012 The world is about to end. Will you take up arms with a bunch of magical boys to help protect the things you love!? If so, make a contract with me. I await your answer in 18 hours here.
The world is about to end. Will you take up arms with a bunch of magical boys to help protect the things you love!? If so, make a contract with me. I await your answer in 18 hours here.
C C Celebi23 Jul 3, 2012 Actually, Tyler Nimoura also played Truth at worlds. He just didn't get any sleep after grinding in with it the night before so he went 1-6. Also, I want to playtest BW-on when you get the chance.
Actually, Tyler Nimoura also played Truth at worlds. He just didn't get any sleep after grinding in with it the night before so he went 1-6. Also, I want to playtest BW-on when you get the chance.
Z Z Zorua Jun 25, 2012 Dark Void, oh well, if i cant get it then Blah must live without my writings D: LMK though if you get it
Dark Void, oh well, if i cant get it then Blah must live without my writings D: LMK though if you get it
Z Z Zorua Jun 25, 2012 Dark Void, Well, if you said, "oh this guy on Pokebeach wants it" then I'm definitely not getting it. If you asked for yourself, I may get it
Dark Void, Well, if you said, "oh this guy on Pokebeach wants it" then I'm definitely not getting it. If you asked for yourself, I may get it
Z Z Zorua Jun 25, 2012 Did Blah give you his camp address? He wanted mine so we could write to each other but I didn't get a chance to give him mine/get his.
Did Blah give you his camp address? He wanted mine so we could write to each other but I didn't get a chance to give him mine/get his.
don()shinobi Jun 25, 2012 Well, looks like I'm playing you for the next round of the Battle Pack tournament. I'm a bit busy this morning, but I'm open in the afternoon.
Well, looks like I'm playing you for the next round of the Battle Pack tournament. I'm a bit busy this morning, but I'm open in the afternoon.
Gistica Jun 21, 2012 Here it is
Gistica Jun 21, 2012 Here ya go.